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Plate Number - BP66RF in Jennings, LA, FL

Reported on: 06.14.24
Vehicle: Honda - Civic
Color: White
Location: Jennings, LA, FL
Violation: Reckless Driving

Discription of Events: White Female probably in her late 60’s. She was behind a 18 wheeler on the right hand lane. She was trying to get to the left lane where we were, she then tried to cut us to pass the truck, without using a signal. But there was a car in front of us, and behind us so we couldn’t speed up or slow down that quick. My husband was honking the horn continuously to get her attention because she was already in the middle of the lane. She was a couple inches away from hitting us so we were riding on the shoulder until she squeezed her car to get in the left lane. Drivers like this who doesn’t care about other people needs their license revoked. Just thankful nothing happened and our kid wasn’t with us.