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License Plate Reports (Site) cannot guarantee information posted here is accurate or correct. All information posted are views of the submissions posted by end user.(You)

  1. Be sure you are proper age to use the Internet or this site - another words 13 years old.
  2. We may from time to time change the terms and conditions that govern your use of our Site.
  3. Your use of our Site following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the terms and conditions changed.
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  5. Site Contents, Unless otherwise noted, all materials, including images, graphics, illustrations, design, icons, photographs, written and other materials that are part of this Site (collectively, the "Contents") are copyrights, trademarks, trade dress and/or other intellectual properties owned, controlled by License Plate Reports
  6. You are responsible for any Images, graphics, screen names, text, comments, reported License Plates, links or any other not noted material (Content) that you submit on Site.
  7. SPAM is not allowed and will not be tolerated. There for if you submit SPAM you will not be tolerated.
  8. If you are sick and you give us the virus - this will result in termination of your account - and banned from Site
  9. This Site and its Contents are controlled and operated by License Plate Reports from its offices in Utah.
  10. This article does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of either myself, my company, my friends, or my dog.
  11. Terms are subject to change without notice.
  12. Reader assumes full responsibility.
  13. Text may contain explicit materials some readers may find objectionable, parental guidance is advised.
  14. Disclaimer does not cover misuse, accident, lightning, flood, tornado, tsunami, volcanic eruption, earthquake, hurricanes and other Acts of God, neglect, damage from improper reading, incorrect line voltage, improper or unauthorized reading, broken antenna or marred cabinet, missing or altered serial numbers, electromagnetic radiation from nuclear blasts, sonic boom vibrations, customer adjustments that are not covered in this list, and incidents owing to an airplane crash, ship sinking or taking on water, motor vehicle crashing, dropping the item, falling rocks, leaky roof, broken glass, mud slides, forest fire, or projectile (which can include, but not be limited to, arrows, bullets, shots, BB's, light sabers, fazers, lasers, napalm, torpedoes, or emissions of X-rays, Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays, knives, stones, etc.).
  15. It is understood that you have read and agreed with the terms stated in this disclaimer and can now proceed.
  16. Posting fake License Plates or Posting Links in the Comments sections will only get you banned from posting on our site. Please respect the contributions of others and this site. We have a no tollerance for posting SPAM - you will be blocked and banned.