Discription of Events: My daughter and I were traveling in the slow lane on 495 south. On our way home from Salisbury Ma heading to Haverhill Ma. As we were passing the Amesbury-Merrimack area I noticed a big white truck in the middle lane with young males, giving us the finger. Then they decided to press on the gas so they can go into my lane, in front of my car so the driver presses on his brakes. I then decided to go in the passing lane to pass them. As soon as I passed them they had ended up going behind me putting on their bright high beams. Not only did the driver have his bright high beams on, he also had a bright high beam bar across the top of his white truck. The driver decided to slowly pass us in the fast lane allowing his male friends on the passenger side, front and back, roll the window down giving us the finger. The driver kept going in front of us applying the brakes, then go behind us putting the high beams on. The driver kept doing this for 10-15 mins. The reckless driving scared my daughter and I to the point I drove passed my exit, exit 50A. In order to get away I started speeding hoping a cop would pull me over until I got to the route 213 Methuen exit. Once on 213, I took the next exit to turn around back to Haverhill. This happened around 9:30 tonight. Tomorrow morning I am going to the police station to report the driver.