Plate Number - 3CF0780 in Between Silver Spring and Hyattsville on the , MD
Reported on: 06.09.17
Vehicle: Unknown - Unknown Car
Color: Silver
Location: Between Silver Spring and Hyattsville on the , MD
Violation: Reckless Driving
Discription of Events: In the Maryland beltway there are four lanes. In between exits 29 and 28 I was on the farthest left when I saw an opening to my right. I then proceeded to make my way with my car being 3/4 in and then a noticed a car to my upper right trying to force their way in which was an Uber driver. I should have the right of way since I have already had most of my car in and the driver I'm not sure if they checked their blind spot or not almost hit me and then started honking behind me after I started honking the driver as I jerked my car away from the Uber driver.