Discription of Events: My husband was recently in a "hit and run" car accident! On his way to the store with a friend there car got hit. While driving on a Main Street they noticed another car peaking out of another street to turn on to the Main Street they were driving in. As they got closer the slowed down as they noticed the other vehicle peaking out more and more. As they got even closer they decided to slow down even more because of how close the other car was to drive onto the Main Street! As they got even closer the other vehicle didn't bother to wait on there stop for them to pass and sped up and drove off onto the right side of the car my husband and his friend were in ! The car hit the right side of the car where my husband was sitting as a passenger.. My husband hit the glass and bounced back to his seat! He was token to the ER with his right side bruised up, thankfully our friend that was driving was not injured ! As we picked my husband up from the ER when he was released we noticed as I sat down in the back of the car that was hit something was poking me.. I grabbed a license plate and gave it to our friend. She finally came to conclusion and said "Jess that's not mine that's the car that hit us it has to be!" The license plate had yellow paint on it (the color of the car) 2 days later we noticed my husband having major migraines on his right side of his head and his vision not being 100%. We went to his dr to get a check up and besides them finding something in his vision they also noticed his brain being bruised up ! Thankfully it can get healed up in time but PLEASE we hope that whoever hit there car and caused my husband to get hurt this much, I hope you guys can find the owner of that car ! God bless !