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Plate Number - 6FH5520 in Philadelphia, MD

Reported on: 10.22.23
Vehicle: Cadillac -
Color: Black
Location: Philadelphia, MD
Violation: Reckless Driving

Discription of Events: This subhuman was double parked last night, blocking up half of the two way street. I proceed to go around as there was space. And about 10 seconds later, I see the same car speeding behind me with high beams on. It’s the Cadillac who was double parked. I go back to check my dash cam and he was following me for blocks, he was clearly irate because I guess he expected me to wait for him as he blocked traffic. I brake check him to get his plate and report him. Then he continues to follow me until I make numerous turns. I was about to go to the police station but then he drove off.