Discription of Events: Unbelievable! Man driving a dark suv type car - not sure as it happened behind me and so fast - he cut off a woman driver in the passing lane as he wanted to get into that lane (during heavy traffic!) and in the process, he pushed her off the road and made her lose control of her car - she almost hit the Jersey barrier and leaned on her horn. He, the crazy man, laughed - he laughed as she tried to gain control fo the car and get back into her lane . . . she managed to get in front of the man and he didnt like that - so he sped up and passed her on the right and cut her off again in getting in front of her, almost hitting her fender . . . She again leaned on her horn and as he pulled in behind me he was laughing. Evil man should not have a license. I could not see his eyes as they were hid behind the visor - but his mouth was clear as day laughing away - he had a heavy shadow of a beard but no beard yet. I was afraid of having him behind me and just kept up with traffic ahead and it wasnt long before he passed me - when he did, I pulled over into the next lane and saw him leap frogging many cars as he tried to get ahead of everyone. This man should have his license taken away. I hope the woman in the other car reports him as well.