Discription of Events: On 3/5/2019 at around 6pm, I was driving on Route 29 North bound on the left lane, the said vehicle started to tailgate me out of blue. I was unable to switch to another lane as there was not enough space on the lane next to me - and I was afraid to slowed down as he was already tailgating me. The said vehicle then slowed down himself and proceeded to the very right lane, then speed up, crossing the middle lane, and cut in front of me without directional light, causing me to almost emergently stop. Throughout the process i was keeping a constant safe distance from my front vehicle (about 1 vehicle long), and was driving at a constant speed. Afterwards, I tried to keep my distance but we were in the middle of traffic so before I was even able to, the said vehicle intentionally stopped twice (completely stopped) while he still had a LONG distance from his front vehicle. Later he just switched lane again and I was able to take a glance at the driver. The driver looked like a Caucasian male in his early 20s if not younger. If anybody else see the vehicle please avoid!