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Plate Number - BXT8427 in Tacoma, WA

Reported on: 11.02.21
Vehicle: Honda - Honda Fit 2010
Color: Red
Location: Tacoma, WA
Violation: Reckless Driving

Discription of Events: Waiting in the left turn lane to turn left across 2 lanes of incoming traffic. She came up real close behind me. I was waiting to turn because of oncoming traffic being in the way. She honked at me 3 times for at least 1 minute every time. But this is a very busy street so I could not go when she was honking. And after the third honk she went into on coming traffic to turn left creating all of the other cars having the right of way to stop for her while she turned left. She was behind me and went across 2 lanes of oncoming traffic to turn left. Could have hit so many cars including mine in this dangerous process.