Discription of Events: People like you and your obnoxious wife should not be allowed to drive and I hope you end up in jail in the future for your driving abilities and obnoxious behavior.
This man and his wife refused to let me get into the left lane, as I needed to merge due to the right lane being closed. I look over to try and see if they will allow me in, and the wife gives me the nastiest look ever. I have no idea why as I am simply trying to get over like everyone else. Sorry its such an inconvenience for you to be a decent human being? Anyways, I beep at them because I dont understand why they are being such pricks in the first place, and they proceed to speed up ALMOST HITTING MY CAR BTW to block me from getting in front of them! I angrily beeped at them and they proceed to flip me off. Your behavior is absolutely repulsive, especially when you couldve damaged my car, hurt me as well, and for you AND YOUR WIFE to disrespect someone incredibly younger than you is disgusting and shows your maturity level.
People like you dont deserve to drive. Gross human behavior. Go drive off a cliff next time please.