Discription of Events: On trans Canada hwy 1, close to carmen MB before portage la priarie, I was in the fast lane to pass cars in the slow lane. A car behind me (the toyota) was honking at me also on the fast lane to move over. I couldn't move over because there were still cars in the slow lane. I was waiting for my chance. I was already going higher speed than the 110kl speed limit. I was at 119. to pass. I eventually was able to move into the slower lane. The toyota had no other vehicle in front of them so could continue forward. Instead they got into the slow lane in front of me and slammed their brakes. I was going to hit them as all traffic was going 100 or more. I swerved and swerved and ended up in the ditch. Luckily I got out of the ditch and carried on driving. My 9 year old was in the back and has a mark on her chest from the seat belt. She took a pic of the vehicle after we caught up to the car. We turned into the shell at portage la prairie. The car continued on.