Discription of Events: Came off the ramp behind me and got furious when I signaled to merge onto the highway as he tried to beat me to it and get on first swerving out abruptly from behind me. Sped around me on the right and cut me off because he didn’t want to be behind me for some odd reason. So I got into the right lane to avoid being behind a crazy driver and it just so happened my lane was clear and I managed to get around a line of cars stopped in the left and get over far away from this nut up ahead to merge onto the highway. He races to catch up as I’m in the middle lane and passes me giving me the finger and hand jerking off gesture as he cuts ahead of me a second time. I didn’t see him do this to anyone else, just me. Maniacal, dangerous driver, explosive temper, delusional and angry with me over nothing at all!