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Plate Number - NYTJ20 in I-75 near Pembroke Pines, FL

Reported on: 05.10.22
Vehicle: BMW - 330i
Color: Dark color-black
Location: I-75 near Pembroke Pines, FL
Violation: Reckless Driving

Discription of Events: This criminal and mentally ill reckless driver was tailgating me when I was driving the speed limit and following the flow of traffic on I-75. It had plenty of opportunity to go around me to pass me but was demonic and flashed its headlights at me while tailgating. It then passed into the other lane to get in front of my car to slam the breaks, nearly causing an accident for me. It then kept following my moves when it was in front of me each time I changed lanes. Please see a psychologist for anger management and other personality disorders! You obviously are miserable and hate yourself. Judging by the multiple bullet holes on the driver side of your car, you are a criminal with a pattern of aggressive driving. You are a menace to society and I hope you get arrested soon!